


It is Herzing大学’s policy to provide a positive environment conducive to learning. 为此目的, 非法占有, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on school property or in connection with any school activity is strictly prohibited. Reporting to or remaining at work or school under the influence of or impaired by alcohol or illicit drugs is also prohibited. 这项禁令适用于所有员工和学生. Violation of these provisions by a student may lead to the imposition of disciplinary sanction, 包括停学或开除. Herzing大学 employees are also subject to disciplinary sanctions for violation of these provisions occurring on University property or any work site during work time, 直至并包括终止雇佣关系. 在适当情况下,可转介刑事检控.


学生 must be aware that significant criminal penalties exist under 状态 and federal laws for 非法占有 or distribution of alcohol and illegal drugs. Legal sanctions under local, 状态, and federal laws vary by location, but may include:

  • 货币的罚款
  • 牢狱之灾
  • 吊销:吊销、撤销或拒绝驾驶执照
  • 财产没收
  • Loss of eligibility for federal benefits, including federal financial aid

联邦政府对毒品走私的处罚见 http://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2022-12/2022_DOA_eBook_File_Final.pdf#page=39 学生 who are concerned about specific circumstances should consult applicable local, 状态, 联邦法律和/或寻求法律顾问.


Drug convictions no longer affect federal student aid eligibility. 当你填写FAFSA表格时, you will be asked whether you had a drug conviction for an offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid. 如果答案是肯定的,你将得到一个工作表. Please do answer the questions on the worksheet; however, 你的答案不会影响你的联邦学生资助资格.


各种健康风险与使用非法药物有关. 下面列举了一些更常见的风险,可以在 http://www.dea.gov/factsheets.

毒品(e.g.、海洛因、羟考酮、吗啡)HighHighDrowsiness, slow and shallow breathing, confusion, muscle 弱点, 恶心想吐, 抽搐, coma, death
兴奋剂(e.g.、快克/可卡因、安非他明、冰毒)幸运28计划High高烧, 搅动, panic, 头疼, 头晕, 震动, 抽搐, 心脏骤停, 中风, deat
抑制剂(e.g.安定,阿普唑仑,迷迭香温和的温和的运动协调性丧失, 弱点, 头疼, 视力模糊, 头晕, 恶心想吐, 低血压, 缓慢呼吸, coma, death
迷幻剂(e.g., lsd, mdma, pcp)None未知的Seizures, muscle cramps, 恶心想吐, liver kidney and cardiovascular failure, coma, death
吸入剂未知的HighMuscle 弱点, disorientation, 恶心想吐, nervous system and organ damage, asphyxiation, death
大麻未知的温和的Dizziness, 恶心想吐, dry mouth, loss of motor coordination, panic attacks


对于那些选择喝酒的学生, Herzing大学 encourages students to drink responsibly and to never drink and drive. Consuming alcohol has many risk factors and can lead to dependency. With excessive use, liver, brain, heart, and stomach damage can occur without apparent warning signs. 酒精 is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States.


毒品和酒精咨询, 治疗, and rehabilitation programs for employees and students are available from a variety of community sources. 任何认识到个人吸毒或酗酒问题的人, 谁会关心学生或同事呢, or who wishes to know more about drug and alcohol abuse may contact the human resources department or consumerinfo@4dian8.com 了解更多信息. Community resources near a student or employee’s respective campus or location may be found by contacting the Human Resource Department or consumerinfo@4dian8.com.


Herzing大学 also encourages anyone dealing with substance abuse issues to contact the following national agencies for guidance and assistance in identifying counseling, 治疗, 或者康复幸运28计划.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services 政府 (SAMHSA) Hotline: (800) 662-HELP

Al-Anon: (888) 425-2666 (local information can be found in your local telephone directory)


Herzing大学 provides an employee assistance program (EAP) as a benefit to all employees regardless of if they opt in to other benefits through the University. This service provides referrals and 治疗 sessions as needed and can connect employees to additional outpatient or inpatient services that could be eligible for coverage through the employee healthcare plan. Information about contacting the EAP can be obtained through the Human Resource Department.


Herzing大学 employs wellness counselors who provide short-term support to and identify long-term local resources for students with a wide variety of mental health concerns including substance abuse. 咨询可以通过电子邮件发送到 counseling@4dian8.com.


Herzing大学 conducts a biennial review of its program to determine the effectiveness of the program and implement changes as needed. This review also ensures that disciplinary sanctions are uniformly enforced.




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